Sunday, August 28, 2011

Even though the temperature is still warm we are looking ahead to the winter season.

We have started to collect for Thanksgiving: stuffing mix, gravy, cranberry sauce, cake mixes, Jell-O, pudding and pie mixes so if you are shopping and see any of these items on sale please think about helping a family to have a happier day.

This week we had 29 new families sign in to start coming to the pantry!!!!!!

Sunday September 18TH we are having a Silpata Party to benefit the pantry in the Church Hall. It will be from 2PM-4PM. Please feel free to stop by and chat, browse or shop!! Lots of our volunteers will be there to meet and greet you. There will be jewelry demonstrations and some yummy goodies to munch on.

This Christmas we hope to again distribute new blankets to our families. The blanket drive will bee from Thanksgiving up until Christmas.

We are collecting winter coats to be distributed when the weather turns cold. Please only donate clean coats that are not in need of repair. There will be a drop off bin near the food pantry door inside the Church hall. Donations can be left during food pantry hours or when the Church is open for Mass or Bingo.

Finally a Huge Hug and Thank You to Eric Simmons who created this blog and maintained it for the past two years. It will be hard to fill his shoes!


A special thank you to St. Mary’s Church in New Bedford for donations of hand sanitizers to give to children to take to school. They were lunch box scented: peanut butter, grape jelly, cucumber to name a few. This week several employees from Southcoast Hospitals Group came along with their grandchildren to distribute school supplies to children who were at the pantry. A lot of happy kids were able to pick up some new pencils, pens, rulers, erasers and notebooks.


Cleaning up at the end of the day is one of the most important jobs our volunteers have.

We have a great bunch of helpers and sometimes we get to goof off!! Here is Fred

Showing off his balancing skills. Fred also picks up bread donations several times during the week, drives the truck for food pick ups, hands out groceries and does multiple serving tasks. We’re always looking for volunteers so think about stopping by one Thursday and see for yourself what we do.


This has been a very busy summer at the Food Pantry. We have been blessed by receiving a lot of produce from The Commission on Hunger volunteer garden located in Dartmouth. Each week they have brought to us fresh produce: lettuce, squash, cucumbers, eggplant and tomatoes. A healthy treat for our families. We also received ice cream and watermelon from The Greater Boston Food Bank that we served for dessert. The volunteers also enjoyed the special treats.