Saturday, October 8, 2022

50/50 Raffle to Support Food Truck Drive

We are selling 50/50 Raffle Tickets to help buy a new Food Pantry Truck. You may purchase tickets at Coffee & Donuts after the Sunday Mass at $5 each. Drawing will be at the Bazaar Sunday November 6, 2022

Boleto de la rifa 50/50

 También estamos vendiendo Boleto de la rifa 50/50 para ayudar a comprar un nuevo camión de la despensa de alimentos. Usted puede comprar boletos en Coffee & Donuts después de la misa del domingo $5 cada uno. El sorteo será en el Bazar el domingo 6 de noviembre de 2022.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Footwear Wanted!

Any Foot Wear - Must be in Pairs. Please tie or band together! New. Used. We take any footwear. When you have a few pairs you may drop off at Food Pantry on Thursday from 8:30 - 11:00 AM.

¡Recaudación de fondos de zapatos!

 ¡Recaudación de fondos de zapatos! ¡Cualquier tipo de zapatos - Deben estar en pares! ¡Por favor, átelos o póngalos juntos! Nuevo. Usado. Aceptamos cualquier zapato. Cuando usted tiene algunos pares puede dejar en la des alimentos el jueves de 8:30 - 11:00 am.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Spaghetti Dinner Fund Raiser

 We are having a Spaghetti Dinner Fund Raiser on Saturday August 27, 2022. All proceeds are for a much needed new Food Pantry Truck.  We also have 50/50 raffle tickets available. The tickets are $5.00 each. The drawing will be held Sunday November 6, 2022.

Thank You in advance for your support.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Breakfast Fundraiser Thank You

 A thank you to all who supported in any way to our “Neighbors in Need” very successful Breakfast Fundraiser. We made over $2,000.00.

Saint Anthony of Padua Food Pantry feeds over 300 people a week and all of this is possible because of the generosity of people like you. May God Bless you all. Thank You from Stacie and the Food Pantry Volunteers.

Our next fundraiser will be a 50/50 Raffle. This will be for our Truck Fund. Tickets are $5.00 each and the drawing will be in November at our annual Fall Bazaar.

Saturday, April 9, 2022


Por favor, únase a nosotros para recaudar fondos para Nuestro Camion de la Despensa de Alimentos de San Antonio de Padua.

CUANDO: 15 de mayo de 2022 

HORA: 7:00am - 11:30am 

DONDE: Salón Parroquial de San Antonio

DONACIÓN: $6.00. Los boletos estarán disponibles después de la misa. Stacie, Hermanas o Caballeros de Colón

Truck Fund Breakfast

The St Anthony of Padua Food Pantry is having an "All You Can Eat Breakfast" to raise money for our truck fund. The breakfast will be Sunday May 15th from 7:00 to 11:30 in the Parish Hall. The donation to enjoy the breakfast with us is $6.00. Tickets are available after Mass, from Stacie, the Sisters and from the Knights.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Thank You to Our Helpers

We would like to thank everyone that helped in any way our Food Pantry this past year! It has been a little out of sorts but we served over 15,000 individuals in 2021. Total weight picked up in 2021 was 265,840 lbs from just ONE Agency we pick up from. We also pick up multiple times a week from other agencies. THANK YOU! And God Bless you, Stacie.