Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Bishop Stang High School recently held their annual Rock A Thon. Students volunteered
to rock in rocking chairs for 45 minute intervals from Friday evening through Saturday
evening while collecting non perishable items for local food pantries. We were lucky enough
to receive 1/3 of the total donations which filled 2 truck loads. What a show of support and understanding of those in need. We are blessed to have their support.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

This fall has been a very exciting time for the food pantry. We are extremely grateful for the donations we have received these past several months. In September Bishop Stang High School
had their Rock-A-Thon. Many students participated and a third of the food collected went
to our pantry. They then sent us a generous donation from funds raised by the "Cardboard Tent City" project. Over 200 students,faculty and staff braved the elements and slept outside
to gain appreciation for the suffering many individuals endure on a nightly basis.

Last week a woman walked into the food pantry and told us she had spent the past two nights sleeping outside because she couldn't find any shelter. After several phone calls we were able to
get in touch with Catholic Charities. Within an hour they were able to place her in a shelter and they were able to send a taxi to pick her up and drive her there. The woman was very grateful
to get in from the rain and to find a warm bed for the night. A young man showed up wearing
a pair of his girlfriends flip flops, he had no other shoes to put on his feet. After taking a survey
of our male volunteers we found someone with the same size feet who went home to get his extra
pair of sneakers for the young man to wear and a pair of socks. Many volunteers are also in need
of help from time to time but they never fail to help someone else.

Most amazing of all we have received a donation of a walk in refrigeration unit through the generosity of the Tremblay Bus Company. This unit will allow us to obtain and keep fresh
produce,milk,cheese,meats,eggs and other forms of protein to be distributed. The Tremblay
Bus Company has been a guardian angel to our food pantry. They have never failed to a request
for help. They have contributed to all types of fund raisers, provided extras such as plastic bags,
paper goods and toilet paper. In the past they donated a refrigerated truck that has allowed us
to pick up enough food to meet the needs of those seeking help and support. To say thanks just doesn't seem like enough for all that they have done for the poor. They have our undying gratitude and prayers.

Pictures will follow when I have figured out where the pictures that I keep downloading have gone. I guess they are out in cyber space somewhere. Anyone with computer knowledge
and willing to help out please give me a call or send an email. Paula
508-994-9907/ email: bpaula1@comcast.net