Monday, September 6, 2010

On Any Given Thursday and More

During a Thursday afternoon visit to the Saint Anthony Pantry it wouldn't take anyone long to notice Doris Boivin. She seems to be everywhere, and to be doing everything … husking corn, bagging tomatoes, instructing new volunteers, directing long time volunteers, hauling trash and more. The only time Doris can be found standing still is during the prayer shortly before the pantry doors open.

It might take a little longer to spot Doris' husband Butch but he would be just as busy … loading or unloading the pantry truck, moving food, stacking pallets or even on one recent Thursday afternoon carefully repairing a Saint Jude plaque that had been donated.

But for both Doris and Butch the work on Thursday is only a small part of the time and energy they devote to the pantry. Other tasks that Doris does include purchasing, and procurement of the food, directing the team at each delivery, picking up bread, picking up and dropping off clothing and recruiting volunteers. Butch is the primary driver for the pantry truck during the four food pickups each month from New Bedford, Taunton and Boston. Butch also maintains the truck. Both Doris and Butch spend some 20 hours a week supporting the pantry in addition to other church work in which they are involved.

Doris and Butch have been generously helping at the pantry for quite some time. Doris remembers that when they started there were some 50 clients and about 20 helpers … there are many more clients than that now and more than 80 persons serving in the pantry. Doris and Butch also remember the trailer they bought and insulated for transport of the pantry groceries … they are both extremely thankful for the truck that we now have. They are also both very happy to still be helping and to be staying "energized" through the work they do. Two years ago the Anchor did a feature article on Doris and Butch which captures this energy and is well worth reading … a copy can be found here.

On any given Thursday or almost any other day of the week Doris and Butch are busy supporting the pantry. Their contribution is vital to the pantry's success and is an inspiration to the other volunteers. Perhaps they have inspired you as well and you are interesting in volunteering ... if so please contact Paula Briden, Food Pantry Coordinator, by phone at 508-993-1691 or by email at .

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